Notation. Kalkül und Form in den Künsten
Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 2008
Hardcover, 420pp, 300 color and 130 black & white illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-88331-123-4
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Notation. Calculation and Form in the Arts is dedicated to the multifaceted spectrum of artistic process existing between concept and work. The exhibition, at ZKM (Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe), and its relating publication, placed works from all areas of art from 1900 until today in relation to one another: sign systems in literature, music, painting, choreography, architecture, photography, film and in media art. During the 20th century, artists have repeatedly made visible new realities through the connection between scientific calculation and artistic form. Morphic resonances, serial structures and sound waves: Modernity has rediscovered the intellectual aspect of existence as a field of research for art. John Cage, Etiénne-Jules Marey and Walter Benjamin, Edgard Varèse and Iannis Xenakis, Mary Wigman and Robert Walser, Oskar Fischinger and Marcel Broodthaers, Allan McCollum and Mel Bochner, and Pierre Boulez: 20th century artists have designed fields of relations in notations, (in the words of György Ligeti) either as directions for play, as means of communication or as an autonomous work.
With Essays by Hubertus von Amelunxen, Dieter Appelt, Michael Baumgartner, Yann Beauvais, Eberhard Blum, Pierre Boulez, Michel Frizot, Sarah Greenough, Andreas Haus, Sharon Kanach, Friedrich A. Kittler, Robert Kudielka, Angela Lammert, Laurence Louppe, Laurent Mannoni, John Rajchman, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Wieland Schmied, Birgit Schneider, Howard Shubert, Rainer Speck, Peter Weibel, Heidy Zimmermann.